Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Transformation Thursday


Here is my official video pod cast, called Carmen Guzman's Transformation Thursday. Please Comment below and let me know what you think. Hopefully Carmen's story inspires you guys too. A special thank you to Carmen Guzman xoxoxo! Enjoy!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Preview of Transformation Thursday

Happy Thursday guys! Before I start I just want to apologize for not being able to post my video pod cast that I worked so hard on. I promise I will be post it after it is done exporting into a movie. I didn't want to leave you guys with anything so here is a little preview of what’s to expect from Carmen's Transformation Thursday. Thank you all for being so patient. Also I want to give a huge thank you to my wonderful Carmen for allowing me to share her story on my blog. Hugs and Kisses to you Carmen!  Below is a picture of Carmen's before and after.

                                                           Carmen Guzman

P.S. Hey guys please stay tuned I will post the video soon! Thanks :)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013


                                                                    Nelly & I

The difference between want and need is self-control.
Eating healthy can be challenging because our "wants" outweighs our "needs".
That's the challenge and where bodies are change for Good or the bad. Choose what your body needs to achieve its goal. Have your wants on Saturday or Sunday lol.
-Olympic Trainer

Have you made a lifestyle change yet? Are you interested in making a lifestyle change? Do you know what Juicing is? Do you know how it can help? Come check it out! Please listen to my audio podcast with one of my friends who decided to make a lifestyle change, that not only benefit her but influence her loved ones.

Are you willing to make a lifestyle change that can make you feel and become healthier then you ever been? Please check out what juicing can do for you and you never know if it can help anything your body is trying to fight.

Make a lifestyle change that is worth living for today!

~Sade G.                             

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Rest days

a day where
I stay home
and read
working out.

While, enjoying
 the beauty
 of life :)

How many of you take a rest day? What do rest days mean to you? 

Rest days are a day to motivate yourself to continue to strive for your goal in living for a better you. You have learned and are still learning so much about your body. It is important to achieve but still receive and give back to your body. Rest days are peaceful moments that many of us don't take advantage of. Make sure you go take a walk on the beach, let you mind, body, and soul enjoy the beauty of peace and quiet.

Rest days are about giving you time to relax and enjoy life. Oprah Winfrey said, "I finally realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving more love to myself." Your body knows that today you shall rest, but it doesn't mean that you can eat whatever you want. You have to show your body that you love yourself by continuing to eat healthy and clean.

"The body must be nourished, physically emotionally and spiritually. We're spiritually starved in this culture not underfed but undernourished." -Carol Hornig

Make sure you give your body a day to rest but fill your body with natural satisfying healthy foods to enjoy :)

~Sade G.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

We all have Doubters! It's up to you to prove them wrong!!!!


Did you work out today? How many of you got off the couch? Don't let your doubters get to you.

"Remember there will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes but with hard work there is no limit." -Unknown

When I decided to change my life around, I started to take control over my body by exercising and eating healthier. Everyone doubted me! They would say, "You love food to much, you can't do it." They didn't doubt me because they didn't have faith in me but because they thought I wasn't ready for the commitment.

No matter what you do in life you will always have doubters. But what people don't tell you is that you have to prove them wrong. You have to let me know that, "Today is my tomorrow. It is up to me to shape it, to take control and seize every opportunity. The power is in the choices I make each day. I eat well, I live well. I shape me :)." - I shape Tumblr

As of today, I can say with a big smile on my face, I did it! I won the challenge! I lost 6 pounds because I took control of my body. Food does not own me. "Remember the food you eat can either be the safest and the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison." -Unknown

Take control of your body today before it’s too late. Remember the only way to prove doubters wrong is my doing what they say you couldn't do!

~Sade G.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. -Unknown Author

What is motivation? What wakes you up in the morning for work or school? Why are you so motivated about living your dream? "Motivation is an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way." -Dictionary.com. When you wake up in the morning just know it’s for a reason. You have a purpose to fulfill. Without having a purpose you won't go to school and without school you wouldn't have a career. Without school you wouldn't have job and without a job you wouldn't be able to pay your bills.  You are motivated to fulfill your dream because it’s your purpose in life. Everything has a purpose. Your purpose is what motivated you to be who you are today.

Today my purpose is to become healthy and fit. So by becoming healthy and fit, I motivate myself to eat better as well as workout. Not to sound cocky or anything but with fulfilling your purpose there are lots of trail and errors.  But what has been working for me not to say this might work for you is that I learned you could be successful when you eat or do the things you love. What I mean is that you don't necessarily have to go to the gym for it to be a workout. You can simply just do an exercise that you love at home. For example, I love Zumba so instead of paying someone to instruct me I just subscribe to a Zumba fitness instructor on YouTube and do Zumba for an hour and a half.

I am not sure if I told you guys this, but since I gain weight in college I became less and less confident in myself. I have been more cautious about the way my body looks. Sometimes I am afraid to change clothes in front of people.  Or even take a group photo with people. I didn't realize it until I became depressed with myself. People will tell me what's wrong with you, you look great. But what people don't understand is that I want to be able to say that to myself and feel confident. If I am not happy with the way I look I am going to fix it so I can to give myself complements.

As of today, I can tell you guys that I have gain more confidence than I had these past couple of months. In the photo above this is what I look like since I have been eating healthier and working out. If you know me you know I am not a salad kind of girl but I have become a salad freak. I make my salad at home with all the ingredients I like. For dinner I decided to have a salad instead of a shake. Just to remind you guys I am also using a product called Herbal Life in my journey to becoming fit.  So in my salad I used organic romaine lettuces, organic cucumbers and grilled or backed chicken with a little fat free or organic dressing. Sometimes I do add other ingredients like tomatoes.  Now I am in love with salads.

Just to let you guys known about Herbal Life. I am using their aloe, tea and shakes products in my journey to becoming fit. I am going to give you a brief description about each product but just to let you know, Herbal Life is a natural product company that helps people loses weight and gain muscles as well as living a healthier lifestyle. Herbal Life is a lifestyle. It helps you transform into the person you always wanted to be. So the aloe helps clean out your colon, the tea burns your fat and the shake is used to replace a meal. Just make sure you truly want to do this because it is a commitment that will change your life as long as you are motivated.

~Sade G.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Results

to be fit, not skinny.
to nourish
your body
the haters, doubters &
unhealthy examples that
were once feeding you.
are worth more
than you realize.

-Unknown Author

After almost finishing my first week of sacrificing my favorite foods I can honestly say I am happy but temptation will tempt you. I just want to eat again but I know that this challenge has a purpose. Being Hispanic and not being able to eat rice and bread is extremely stressful. I just want to cry, I feel like I lost a part of me. Although my doubters are alive the only way to be successful in the not eating challenge is that you have to reward yourself no matter what. For example, if you are training your dog to sit and every time he does it you reward him with a treat he is going to continue to do it because he knows he will get a rewarded. That is exactly what you have to do.

On day one of my challenge it was extremely hard. All I wanted to do is eat fries and a big juicy burger. But instead I enjoyed my cookie and cream shake while dreaming it was fries and burger blended, although that image may seem gross. The day finally ended when I forced myself to sleep. Your mind can play funny tricks on you. When I woke up I dreamt that I was eating spaghetti and meatballs, but when I got up I was just dreaming of the food. I realized that in life the hardest things you want you have to work for. In order for me to be fit I need to want it and work hard for it so it can happen.

Sometimes having a light and smaller portioned meal is better than over eating and feeling like you’re gonna die. The picture above is a simply grilled chicken wrap with spinach, lettuce and dressing of your choice that I enjoy when I am not really hungry but need to eat dinner. Although, I am on a non-eating diet this week. This is a simple and fast meal you can make if you don't want to eat anything heavy.

Herbal Life has been my meal for the past five days. At first it was very hard but you get the hang of it. Although you have friends who are eating chicken tenders and French fries next to you and all you want to do is eat her food for her, but you can’t let yourself do it. In the first three days I have lost three pounds. When I saw the scale I was so happy and motivated that I started to workout. I decided if my body is showing me it wants change; why not give it a chance too. Sometimes you can't work out for an hour or two but you can at least do crunches and squats before you go to bed so you continue to see progress in the little things you do.

“Remember it's gonna get harder before it gets easier. But it will get better; you just gotta make it through the hard stuff first.” –Unknown

~Sade G.